Sunday, August 7, 2016

Got MY hair done...

Yes, it rarely happens, mostly because I can't sit still long enough to get my hair done, but today it happened. I needed some highlights and a trim and Christina helped me. Christina? Yep, the Christina who used to work at BBella back in the day. She left on maternity leave in 2008 to have Max and now is back. I am so happy, she is an amazing colorist and precision haircutter. She will be working Sundays, Mondays, and Tuesdays. 

And yes, BBella will be open seven days a week again. I am going down to cutting hair three days a week. This aging thing is beginning to get to me. I have been cutting hair for 35 years. I know a big salon is not the way to slowing down, so I am not adding chairs. With two hairdressers expecting babies, I needed help. It's a process. Thank you for coming along for the ride! 
